Best Place to see lions In Uganda

Best place to see lions in Uganda

Uganda – the pearl of Africa as its commonly referred to is an amazing destination to see lions in versions of; ground lions, Tree climbing lions & rock climbing lions in the purely remote Kidepo Valley National Park – now a favourite for many travellers wanting to check off the King of the Jungle sighting. Best place to see lions in Uganda

In Uganda, there are only three (03) Places where to see, track, photograph or even film lions in the wild. Among these include; Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and in Kidepo Valley National Park – the true African wilderness Safari park popular for her rock climbing lions that prefer to perch up on the rocky outcrops and enjoy the views of the endless grassland vegetation intertwined with acacia.

Best Place to see Lions in Uganda

Kidepo Valley National Park

This arguably the remotest safari park in Uganda – the best place to see, photograph or film Lions. Kidepo valley national park, unlike other safari parks in Uganda, delivers a totally private holiday experience served with unending wildlife sightings. Besides Lions, the park has the largest known buffaloe herds, elephants to are in abundance, including some rare wildlife like the pygmy Nile crocodile, Ostrich, cheetah, caracal, aardwolf, greater and lesser kudu, mountain reedbuck and Guenther’s dik-dik.

Kidepo Valley National Park was in 2015 named by CNN travel – best known for its amazing landscapes and vast wildlife including big cat sightings – lions & Leopards, and also home to the smaller caracals, serval cats and more.

Learn more about Lions In Kidepo Valley National Park

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is the most accessible Lion safari destination from Entebbe or Kampala – located approximately 305km/190mi – a journey that lasts about 5 – 6 hours on a well-paved road that leads past the popular Zziwa rhino sanctuary home to 32 southern white Rhino. this is the only place you can get to track, see, photograph or film Rhinos in the wild. For people looking to see Uganda’s Big Five, Murchison Falls combined with zziwa Rhino Sanctuary answers your dream.

Learn more about Lions in Murchison Falls National Park.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

A lot of Visitors travelling with Realm Africa Safaris™ on a safari to Queen Elizabeth National Park have seen Lions in the Kasenyi Plains of this safari park. We have often encouraged our clients to take On the Lion tracking experience – a programme run by the Uganda carnivore project that is dedicated to the monitoring, research, and conservation of predators in Uganda. The lions you will see during the lion tracking experience in Queen Elizabeth National park will have collars – its the only way the team can be able to monitor their well-being.

On the south of Kasenyi Plains is the remote Ishasha Plains (part of Queen Elizabeth National park where you can track and get to wonder at the tree climbing Lions of Uganda.

Learn More about the Lions In Queen Elizabeth National Park

Besides in the wild, where else can i see Lions In Uganda?

Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre

Popularly known as the Entebbe Zoo, the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre is worth a visit especially for travellers with one or two nights in Entebbe. A visit to UWEC does give you a clear insight into what Uganda has to offer. You could actually participate in the Behind the Scenes experience where you get to join the keepers in feeding the Lions and other animals.

Lion feeding can only be done on the Behind the Scenes experience and no other safari activity.

Learn more about Lions at UWEC

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