best shoes for gorilla trekking

Best shoes for gorilla trekking

The best shoes for gorilla trekking have got to be comfortable, waterproof, sturdy with good grip soles. don’t bring white shoes, tennis or golf shoes – you are going gorilla trekking not merry making.

A successful mountain gorilla trekking safari starts with you wearing the right footwear or shoes for gorilla trekking. When choosing the best shoes for gorilla trekking, we recommend looking out for the following qualities;

  • Ankle-high shoes should be your first pick – as they provided added support to your ankles during the trek up & down to the gorillas.
  • Waterproof shoes: these keep your feet dry all through your trek to and from the gorillas. Making the trek a lot more interesting than if you finished with completely wet feet.
  • Brown leather material: Since you will be trekking on soggy & muddy grounds, your shoes will pick up chunks of mud that is often red in colour. its easier to clean the red dirt off a Leather shoe than if it wears made of cloth material. Keep the colour brown don’t bring white shoes – keep those for your classy events when you return.

To add to the above qualities, we recommend that you refrain from bringing new (unworn) shoes. These can turn ut to be uncomfortable during the trek. Consider buying them well in advance and wear them on your pre-gorilla trekking training at home – this will get your feet used to them and thus provide a much more comfortable trekking experience.

For additional comfort, we also recommend bringing a thick pair of long socks (See: Recommended Gorilla trekking sock – Buy on Long socks allow for trekkers to tuck in their pants for extra protection againsts nettles & insects Including safari ants that are a common occurance on most treks.

Travellers Practical tip: We perfectly understand that the best shoes for gorilla trekking might be of a significant weight that may impact on your acceptable (airline) baggage limit. We recommend wearing the trekking boots on your flight other than packing them away in your checked-in luggage. This is also good in the event that your luggage either delays or gets lost during your flight – you will at least have a pair of good gorilla trekking shoes to start with.



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