Lion Filming in Uganda

Lion Filming in Uganda

Lion Filming In Uganda can be done in three (03) prime locations; Queen Elizabeth NP, Murchison Falls,  and the far-flung Kidepo Valley NP.

Filming lions in any three (03) destinations above require filming permits and permissions. All filming permits (Press Accreditation) in Uganda are issued by the Uganda Media Council.

All filming In Uganda’s National Parks is monitored by the Uganda Wildlife Authority and it’s from them that you have to apply for Commercial filming permits & permissions to film in Protected areas or National Parks. We can use our connections to secure all these permits in the shortest time possible. (See: All permits needed to film in Uganda’s National Park).

Best Places to film Lions In Uganda

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park is considered Uganda’s remotest Savannah park previously hard to reach but now enjoys good road connection with Kampala, and for travellers that having a reasonably flexible budget could consider flying from Entebbe International airport to Kidepo in just 1.5-hours.

Kidepo Valley National Park is undoubtably the best place to film Lions In Uganda.

Lion filming in Kidepo valley National Park is amazing given that you will film away from crowds – because not many people visit this safari park. The lions in Kidepo are adapting to living in the rocky outcrops dotted all-over the park and in the sausage trees in the Narus Valley area.

Read more about Lion filming in Kidepo Valley National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park previously was the best place to film lions in Uganda especially with the help of the lion experts from the Uganda Carnivore project – an organization, devoted to the research and conservation of Uganda’s large carnivores, including lions, leopards, and hyenas. However, the park suffers overcrowding especially if filming In the peak season months when Ugandan tourism experience large crowds comprised of student tour groups.

The Alternative spot if you really must film in Queen Elizabeth National Park is the remote Ishasha Plains located approximately 80kms/70 miles from Kasenyi Village. Ishasha is popularly known to be the original home of the famous Uganda tree-climbing lions.

Learn more about Filming in Ishasha Sector

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National park is yet another interesting Lion filming location in Uganda. The Park Is also Uganda’s largest national park and hosts a variety of exceptional lion and Other big cat sightings including spectacular filming opportunities

Learn More about filming Lions in Murchison falls National Park

The procedure of applying for a Lion Filming permit in Uganda 

When applying for a Lion Filming Permit in Uganda, you will need to send us a brief write-up (addressed to the Executive Director of Uganda Wildlife Authority about your Lion Film. In the write-up, mention the following;

  • Size of the crew and their individual roles on the film project.
  • Location(s) or park(s) you intend to visit while Filming Lions In  Uganda.
  • The length of your shoot. ( Number of days you intend to film).
  • The way in which your fill will benefit either the lions or Uganda at large.
  • ……..also mention that Realm Africa Safaris will be your ground handler to assist in follow-ups.

Once our Film crew Fixing team leader confirms your write-up meets all relevant requirements, we will then proceed to assist you in delivering and following up with the on-ground bureaucratic procedures of securing your lion filming permit.

Consider filming Uganda’s tree Climbing Lions of Ishasha Sector (southern Queen Elizabeth National Park)



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