Shoebill Filming locations in Uganda

The Best Shoebill Filming locations in Uganda include; Mabamba Swamp (considered the best place to film the shoebill in Uganda especially for travellers arriving or departing through Entebbe), Murchison Falls National Park, Makanaga Swamp, Lake Mburo National Park, Semuliki National Park and Lugogo Swamp located inside the amazing Zziwa Rhino sanctuary. (see: Top five (05) places to Film Shoebill in Uganda).


Filming Permits & Permissions to film shoebill in Uganda.

All persons intending to conduct any kind of filming in Uganda ought to have secured the following permits & permissions from relevant authorities as explained below;

Press Accreditation: This is issued by the Uganda Media Council in Kampala. The process is very precise and concise and involves filling out the mandatory Press Accreditation – Form G for each individual or member of the crew, attach a scanned copy of your passport (bios page), and recent passport-size photograph to appear on your press accreditation once approved. All the above should be accompanied by a synopsis or script of the film you intend to shoot. We will pick it from here and assist (if contracted by you) with following up locally in Uganda.

Location Filming permit(s): Depending on your choice of location, we will need to meet-up with the local authorities, and explain to them in detail what you intend to film and for what duration, and also explain any special requests you may need for the shoot. It’s after they have clearly understood the scope of your shoot that they will access the tax or fees to be charged for your shoot.

Location filming permit fees are not fixed – they depend largely on the nature and scope of work involved to attain your exact match of a shoot. We will do our very best to negotiate the best rates on your behalf.

Other Optional services offered by Realm Africa Safaris™ film fixers 

  • Location Scouting

Locations can make or break a project and Uganda has several amazing film worthy locations. Realm Africa safaris™ can help you find and secure your shoebill filming location(s) for your next film, commercial or still shoot. Get a glimpse into the Top 5 Shoebill Filming locations in Uganda.

Dealing with the right persons (company) to assist you clear all your filming equipment will help make your shoot a success.  Realm Africa Safaris™ can assist in clearing you Filming Kit at any entry point in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda & Rwanda. Among the things we do is assist in temporary importation of filming drones. However, drones being a sensitive subject, we often recommend starting this process a lot earlier. Ample time is the secret to successfully importing a drone in most destinations we fix.

Learn More from our article: Hassle-Free film Kit clearance Services by Realm Africa Safaris™

  • Accommodation :

Realm Africa Safaris has a long-standing good working relationship with most hotels, lodges and inns in each of the destinations we fix. We are therefore in a better position to not only recommend but to also find the best rates and also book the accommodation for your film crew if need be.

  • Transportation: 

Realm Africa Safaris™ operates a fleet of very reliable and purpose suited vehicles for filming.  From open-sided jeeps to very basic closed cars including well-suited equipment carriers. We can arrange both your crew and equipment transportation.

Our Filming security services are designed to secure your filming location, and protect your cast, crew, and equipment. Location shooting offers its own unique threats and risks, so we design patrol tours, standing guard placement, and post-order duties to maximize our surveillance and minimize opportunities for theft, trespassing, vandalism, disturbances, and other unwanted activity.

Learn More about Film crew Security



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