Film kit Clearance

Film Kit Clearance


Film Kit Clearance is a very important aspect of any filming project. Production companies and freelance film crew intending to bring in film equipment for a shoot have got to understand the process of Film Kit clearance in order to ensure no vital filming equipment gets denied entry at last minute.

Realm Africa safaris™ works closely with individual film crew and Production companies to facilitate filming in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya & Tanzania. Our services to film crew include: securing filming permitsimportation of drones and temporary Film kit clearance.


Depending on the country you intend to go filming, correct procedures must be followed for you to successfully, and legally bring in your filming equipment into that respective country.

If filming in East Africa ( Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya or Tanzania) the general proceedure is as follows;

Send us a list of all the filming equipment you intend to bring on your shoot (including drones – yes we can arrange for you to do drone filming). On the list of equipment, name the item indicate the serial number for each device, and value price against each item. Our film Kit Clearance agent(s) will then advise on the total cost of temporarily importing your filming equipment.

Upon payment of the Kit clearance fee(s), we will then have the agent wait for you at the Airport of any other entry port to assist with clearing your equipment. The agent(s) will receive you into the country and also assist you on exit.

However, its important to note that Film Kit Clearance can only be done after we are sure you have all the relevant filming permits and permissions required for your shoot.

Its a waste of time to start discussing Kit clearance prior to acquisation of a filming permit…


  • Importing drones in East Africa.
  • Filming permits in East Africa.


With the ongoing changes in travel due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the rapidness at which things are changing around us, we are continually adapting to serve the needs of our customers. We have set up a dedicated page to keep you informed on the unfoldings of the COVID-19 virus. #PostponeTravel, #Stayhome, #MaintainSocialDistance

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