chimpanzee Filming in Murchison falls National Park

Chimpanzee Filming in Murchison Falls NP

Chimpanzee in Murchison falls National Park can be found inside Budongo Forest Reserve. Media Permits and Location permits are required by the Government of Uganda before you embark on any sort of filming in Uganda. Chimpanzee Filming in Murchison Falls

Budongo forest reserve located on the way into Murchison falls National – 30 minutes from Kichyumbanyobo Gate is home to approximately 600-700 chimpanzees freely-roaming the entire 435Km² of forest cover. Budongo Forest has a total of five (05) chimpanzee Communities; Sonso Community, Waibira Community, Busingiro community, Nature Reserve community,  Waisoke community and the popular Kaniyo-Pabidi Community. Both Sonso and Waibira chimpanzee communities are the subject of a continuous research project and may not be visited by tourists. Tourists are recommended to visit one of the following chimpanzee communities. Chimpanzee Filming in Murchison Falls

What are the Requirements to film the chimpanzees in Budongo Forest?

For any production company, individual or freelance filmmaker intending to film chimpanzees in Budongo Forest inside Murchison falls National park, two(02) very crucial permits have to be secured prior to the start of your shoot.

The first permission allowing you to conduct any sort of filming in Uganda is Media Permit (Press Accreditation).

Press Accreditation In Uganda is issued by the Uganda Media council after each individual or crew member fills out FORM G. This form must be accompanied by copies of scanned passport (bios Page) and a recent passport-sized photo to be used in processing your Media card (Press accreditation).

It does take us approximately 02 – 03 working days from the time we receive all the above-mentioned documents to process your media card.

To accompany all the individually filled out FORM G’S for each crew member, the team leader has got to send us a detailed write-up or synopsis of the film you intend to shoot in Uganda.

After all the above is sent to us, will then proceed to submit these to the Uganda Media Council for scrutiny, and approval. Upon approval, we will then contact and inform you of this achievement.

Note: The decision to either award or deny an applicant a Media permit (press Accreditation) is at the discretion of the Uganda Media Council. We can only guide you on best practices to get your media card approved.

Press Accreditation fees in Uganda (Payable to Uganda Media Council)

  1. a fee of US$175 per person is paid for a period not exceeding 30 days of the journalist’s stay.
  2. a fee of US$225 per person is paid for a period beyond 30 days up to six months of stay.
  3. a fee of US$325 per person is paid for a period of two years.

** The fees mentioned above are set and can be amended by the Uganda Media Council without any prior consultation. we, therefore, remind you to treat these as a guide. 

After successfully securing your Media Permit (press accreditation) for each individual on your team, the next step is to secure a location permit allowing you to film inside a National park in Uganda – in this case, Murchison falls national park.

Permission to film chimpanzees in Murchison Falls National Park (Budongo Forest)

Budongo forest is managed by the National Forest Authority (NFA).  To apply for permission to film inside Budongo forest, a headed letter typed, scanned addressed to the National forest Authority clearly explaining your interest/purpose to film chimpanzees in Budongo, and remember to mention the full names of your crew members and their respective roles in this shoot. Together with copies of passport photos and a copy, send all the above requirement and we will take it up from here. We will forward these to the National forest Authority offices in Kampala and follow up through the entire process.

Typically this should take us about 2 – 3 working days to have everything sorted from the time we receive all the required paperwork from you.

Price of a Permit to film chimpanzees in Budongo Forest Reserve

Currently, the National Forest Authority charges $400 per person for filming chimpanzee in Budongo Forest (Price could change without prior notice). Included in the prices are entry fees into the forest valid for a day, and the services of an experienced chimpanzee guide to spending the day with you as you film the chimpanzees of Budongo Forest inside Murchison falls national park. Since Realm Africa Safaris™ will be representing you, we will advise you on the best way to send forth the money so that we can pay it (on your behalf ) to National Foresty Authority.

Realm Africa Safaris™ – a Local film fixer can assist you to secure all the above-listed permits and permissions in one (01) week. Contact us for location scouting, drone filming permits & importation, Film crew Security, and any general on-ground logistical support as requested.

Where to Stay during your shoot Chimpanzee Filming in Murchison Falls



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