Wearing a Mask is now the order of the day! In most countries across the globe, it is an offence not to have one. For travelers intending to visit either Uganda or Rwanda for gorilla trekking, wearing a mask is compulsory not because they care so much about you but because we care about the welfare of the mountain gorillas that you are coming to visit. There are way so many millions of people on earth than there are mountain gorillas…lets wear a mask and protect the few remaining gorillas. In the whole world, there are only 1,063 mountain gorillas spread across the Virunga Massif and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The Virunga Massif gorilla Population ( Shared by Rwanda, DR Congo, and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park) has grown to 604 individuals, up from 480 individuals in 2010. The remaining 459 mountain gorillas live in the secluded Bwindi impenetrable forest block in Southwestern Uganda. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, wearing a mask during gorilla trekking was not compulsory. All that was followed was a set of gorilla trekking rules that stipulated how tourists were expected to behave during their encounter with the mountain gorillas. Most emphasized was the rule of distance where all tourists were expected to maintain a safe distance of 7 meters from the gorillas. However, in the wake of COVID-19, quite a few other sections in the previous gorilla trekking rules & regulations have been amended and one or two others made compulsory to protect the mountain gorillas from contracting COVID-19.
Mountain gorillas are very susceptible to human disease – they share 98.4% DNA similarity with humans.
Among the recently added gorilla trekking rules are; Wearing a face mask was not compulsory in the past (before COVID-19) but a few tourists especially Chinese on a few occasions were seen wearing face masks during gorilla trekking in Bwindi Forest and their reason was to reduce allergic reactions from breathing in dust & pollen during the trek. Bringing & wearing a face mask is now “the rule of the day” for all persons intending to go gorilla trekking.
Did you know: face masks may reduce allergic rhinitis symptoms through altering the humidity and temperature of breathed air.
There was no such thing before COVID-19. Now it is compulsory for every tourist intending to go gorilla trekking to dip their shoes into disinfectants (Jiks & water) provided by park authorities before embarking on a guided tour to see the gorillas.
Tip: Bring waterproof shoes for your gorilla trek so that your feet don’t get soaked in disinfectant.
Honestly speaking, this might perhaps be the most interesting subject we’ve had to discuss thoroughly before writing this article. Enjoy the read! One thing for sure that you should focus on when choosing the best mask for gorilla trekking is the comfort that the mask delivers – remember you are going to be wearing it for a great deal of the day. Secondly, breathability. Choose a mask that freely lets in plenty of air for you to breathe well while on the trek to the mountain gorillas. Thirdly, ensure you choose a washable mask – if you opt for a disposable mask, then this means you will need to bring quite a few masks for your gorilla trip to Africa which generates a lot more waste management issues for the destination. While there might be a variety of cheap/Reusable, and washable face masks on the local market that take into account comfort, breathability, and washability, Most of these masks are built out of single layering using lightweight fabrics that don’t meet the International standard of a medically recommended masks that can protect both you and the Gorillas from disease. And for this reason, we like to recommend that you buy, use, or wear only medically recommended face masks for Gorilla trekking. If you prefer to bring your masks (we provide all clients with medical/surgical face masks), then feel free to look at these recommendations on Amazon. Yes, you can locally buy a medical/surgical mask. However, it has become a norm for great value Gorilla Tour Operators like Realm Africa Safaris™ to provide unlimited complimentary masks to our clients. We charge NO extra fees to protect both you and the mountain Gorillas.
Why wear a Mask during Gorilla Trekking?
Recent additions to the Gorilla Trekking Rules & Regulations
Which is the best Mask for gorilla trekking?
Recommended Masks for Gorilla Trekking in Uganda & Rwanda
Can I locally buy a mask in Uganda or Rwanda?
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