Top 5 Advantages of Staying INSIDE Murchison Falls National Park
The Top 5 Advantages of Staying at a lodge inside Murchison Falls National Park include:
- You’ll enjoy the Beautiful surroundings
Lodges inside the Park are often designed to be in close touch with nature, with views of wildlife, woods, natural springs, and the night sky. The materials used in construction are often Eco-friendly, and blend in well with the environs.
- Head start into the park
Another prime advantage of Staying inside Murchison Falls National Park is that you’ll get a head start to reach scenic destinations and trailheads much earlier than if you were staying outside the park.
- Spend time enjoying the park
You can make your agenda and spend more time enjoying the park’s scenery without rushing to get back to your car to beat the Park closing time.
- See more wildlife
Lodges inside the park are usually not fenced meaning wildlife can freely roam around the lodge grounds which will allow you to see more wildlife at its most active times, like just before sunrise and after sunset.
- Reduce your carbon footprint