National Parks of Rwanda


The National Parks Of Rwanda are three (03) in number; Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park & Nyungwe Forest National Park.

All 03 National parks mentioned above are unique; Volcanoes National Park is popular is one of the 03 National Parks in Africa where travelers can trek/track mountain gorillas other than Uganda, and or DR Congo. Volcanoes National Park from Kigali is 80km drive on a paved road.

Akagera National Park in Rwanda is the only Place travelers are able to indulge in a Savanah Safari to See Lions, Giraffe and the recently Introduced Rhinos. Akagera National Park is approximately a 02-hours drive from Rwanda’s capital Kigali.

National Parks of Rwanda
[icon_box style=”style2″]VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK

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National Parks of Rwanda
[icon_box style=”style2″]NYUNGWE FOREST NATIONAL PARK

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National Parks Of Rwanda
[icon_box style=”style2″]AKAGERA NATIONAL PARK

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