Lion Filming in Kidepo Valley National Park

Lion Filming in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo valley National Park is the best place to film Lions in Uganda. The Park being the most remote, and perhaps one of the least visited, the big cat population including lions is thrieving. Realm Africa Safaris™ is known to conduct responsible Lion Filming in Kidepo Valley National Park – we like to respect nature even as we endevour to assist you achieve that perfect shoot.

Best time to go Lion Filming in Kidepo Valley National Park

Generally speaking, the best time to film in Kidepo Valley National Park is in the dry season months of June-August, and January to February as this allows film crew or individual filmmakers to shoot without the much interference of the weather, however, Uganda’s extreme temperatures may cause malfunctioning of some equipment particularly for filming projects in the northern parks of Uganda like Kidepo Valley National Park  which experience scorching hot temperatures of  32°C/90°F in the months of January & February. The peak temperatures of 40°C/104°F have been recorded in this parks in the past.

Top tip: For Filmmakers seeking to capture amazing sceneries, the wet season might be the best time to shoot your project. During this time, the vegetation is greener and wildlife is scattered – not confined to particular water points.

Requirements to film Lions in Kidepo Valley National Park

Prior to filming In Uganda, all crew members must obtain all relevant permits & permissions that match their film shoot (we can guide yoou on this). However, the most common permits you will need to film lions in Uganda, include;

***For a hassle-free Filming experience, conntact Realm Africa Safaris™ a reliable local film fixer in Uganda – we can assist you to secure all relevant permits & permissions. (see: Our other film fixer services) Lion Filming In Kidepo Valley National Park

Where to stay in Kidepo during your Shoot

Kidepo Valley National Park now (not in the past) offers a variety of accommodation options ranging from the budget to high-end. Realm Africa Safaris™ can also arrange affordable all-serviced private mobile camping for your crew.

Recommend places to stay during your shoot include;

How to get to Kidepo Valley National Park

There is two (02) ways of getting to kidepo valley National Park from Entebbe/Kampala. You can either drive or fly to Kidepo Valley National Park

The drive is a 10-hours affair that takes you through a distance of approximately 571km/354miles – thats if you want to drive all the way. The good news is that a greater section of this drive is on a well-paved road until you get to the park itself where the roads are dirt roads that can be greatly affected by weather. its why we prefer using a 4×4. |However, this journey can be broken up with an overnight stop at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary  staying at either the budget zziwa Guesthouse or the upmarket Amuka safari Lodge. Alternatively, you may consider driving alittle longer to get to the well-placed Chobe Safari Lodge overlooking the River Nile.

Our recommendation: Because we care for the wildlife and particularly have a soft spot for the endanger species, we like to recommend staying at Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary. Why? Staying Zziwa gives you a chance to learn about the plight of the endangered Rhino and also, the money spent onsite directly goes to conservation.

***If you are curious, please know that we are not paid to promote any of the above properties but are rather giving our honest recommendation.

The second way of getting to Kidepo Valley National Park is by flight. There is two(02) domestiic flight companies that operate daily flights to Kidepo Valley National Park from Entebbe International airport and kajjansi airfield.

  • Aerolink Uganda – Flys out of Entebbe Int’l Airport *a minimum of 4 passengers is required.
  • Fly Uganda – Flys out of Kajjansi Airfield *‘seat rates’ are applicable for daily flights to all parks.

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