Film Crew Security Services

Film Crew Security can be a necessity during a shoot. Realm Africa Safaris™ arranges both private and government security for individuals and production companies that need it. The personnel that we work with are devoted to professional crowd control while serving and protecting cast, crew and equipment 24 hours a day. Unlike other companies that take film crew Security lightly, We at Realm Africa Safaris™ know that this can affect a multi-million shoot/production if not handled well. Realm Africa Safaris work with a pool of well-trained, qualified and well-seasoned officers always on call to accommodate the changing needs and schedules of any production.

Our Film Crew security services are designed to secure your filming location, and protect your cast, crew, and equipment. Location shooting offers its own unique threats and risks, so we design location patrol tours, standing guard placement, and post-order duties to maximize our surveillance and minimize opportunities for theft, trespassing, vandalism, disturbances, and other unwanted activity during your shoot.

What to Expect

Realm Africa Safaris™ is keen to listen and understand your security concerns/needs prior to advising on the best security system(s) to use during your shoot. And it is from here that we are able to make recommendations on whether uniformed or un-uniformed, private or government security services should be used.

Depending on the nature of production/shoot, we will typically be able to have all the necessary security detail arranged and ready to start work in about 2-5 days. However, to facilitate the planning and acquisition of the necessary labour force, we will require that you document your need for Film Crew Security mentioning the exact required service ( for instance; Film location protection) and give us just a few reasons you consider this unsafe and require security. Our film security team will then personally go to the location and carry out an on-ground assessment of all security needs in order to practically advise on where or not the amount or level of security requested is actually necessary.

See more Film crew Services offered by Realm Africa Safaris™

Have any additional questions. queries or concerns regarding Film Crew Security in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania, feel free to email us: or even call or WhatsApp us: +256704669088



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