Best time to Visit Lake Elementaita


Lake Elementaita is a wondrous location to visit anytime during the year, but we recommend that you visit during the dry seasons that occur from July to October, January, and February. The reason that we recommend these times is that the water sources are limited, so the animals gather around the few remaining fresh watering holes. As a result, wildlife viewing is better, and you get to see a variety of species interact in a relatively small area. Another reason to plan your Kenya Safari – Holiday to Lake Elementaita during the dry seasons is that the logistics of your activities are not impacted by wet roads that can be difficult to traverse during the rains.

July through October, though, is when the number of tourists visit the lake since it coincides with the wildebeest migration in the Great Plains of Masai Mara, so you may find that your accommodation is close to maximum capacity, and your activities may include more guests than during the rainy seasons. Guest numbers are also high during certain festive holidays, specifically Easter, Christmas and New Years.

The short rainy season is in November and December, and the small amount of rain that does fall evaporates quickly due to the solar proximity to the equator. You should consider, though, that roads can be affected by these short rains, so your activities such as nature walks may be limited due to the weather. The long rainy season arrives in late March and stays in the Lake Elementaita area until June.

Although most activities are centered on game drives during these rains, this can be a spectacular time of year that offers opportunities to enhance your nature-loving tour in Africa. Some of the mammals, especially antelopes, give birth during this time, and you witness the first breaths of a new generation. You watch intently as mothers remain on alert for the predators that lurk in the brush, awaiting the perfect moment to take a young animal. Engaging moments like this can be some of the best parts of your Kenya Holiday (Read more:   best time to Visit Kenya on Holiday). The rains also bring the flora to life, and the grasslands are transformed into a lush, green landscape. We recommend that you bring a waterproof jacket or poncho to keep you dry and comfortable while outdoors. Should you be planning an AfricanMecca birdwatching holiday at Lake Elementaita, October through April is when the migratory species arrive from Europe. This gives you the chance to not only see resident avifauna but a rich diversity of feathered waterfowl and other birds from regions beyond Kenya.

Where to Stay
[icon_box style=”style2″]WHERE TO STAY- LAKE ELEMENTAITA

Whatever your Preference,  Luxury, Midrange or Budget, we have a list of accommodations that will meet your interest. Our favorites Lake Elementaita Lodging Options, however, include; Sunbird Lodge and Sleeping warrior.

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Lake Elementaita - Kenya
[icon_box style=”style2″]TRIPS & HOLIDAYS – LAKE ELEMENTAITA

Most of Lake Elementaita is part of the Soysambu Conservancy where you have access to varied activities, such as game drives, bush walks, day trips to surrounding attractions, crater hikes and more.

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When visiting Lake Elementaita, we recommend combining your safari with a visit to Amboseli and Masai Mara. You may optionally extend out to other wilderness areas of Tsavo, Samburu or Lewa – Laikipia ending with a beach vacation and Swahili cultural tour in the exotic spice island of Zanzibar.



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