MV Kalangala Fares in 2025

MV Kalangala Fares for 2025

What are the Fares to travel on MV Kalangala in 2025? The cost to travel on the MV Kalangala ferry from Entebbe to Kalangala depends on the class of ticket and whether you’re bringing a vehicle.

MV Kalangala Fares in 2025 -2026

MV Kalangala Fares for 2025

  • Passenger tickets: The cost is UGX 10,000 for an ordinary ticket and UGX 14,000 for a first-class ticket.
  • Vehicle tickets: The cost is UGX 50,000 for a saloon car, UGX 80,000 for a 4×4 vehicle, and UGX 150,000 or more for a truck.
  • Motorcycle tickets: The cost is UGX 20,000.
  • Cargo tickets: The cost is UGX 30,000 per kilogram.

You can buy tickets shortly before departure. If you want to bring a vehicle, you should pre-book your slot at least a week in advance. Realm Africa Safaris™ can do this for a service fee of UGX 20,000 per vehicle.

What is the carrying capacity of the MV Kalangala?

The MV Kalangala ferry has a limit of 108 passengers, including crew members, 12 Vehicles, and 140 tons of hard cargo in the cargo centre on each trip. Travellers are expected to show up at Nakiwogo or Lutoboka on time to load either/both their cargo and vehicles.

While passenger tickets can be bought on arrival, we recommend pre-paying and booking in advance to avoid any eventualities.

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