The Kiwumulo Cave, also known as Kalaya Cave, is a cultural site located in Ssese islands, Kalangala district, Uganda. The cave is believed to be the origin of over 52 clans of Buganda Kingdom. Kiwumulo cave is owned by Jjaja Kiwumulo or Semuggala. The cave is for the Nkima (Monkey) clan, which is one of the 52 clans in Buganda.
The Kiwumulo cave serves as a haven for residents seeking relaxation, prayer, and a closer connection to god, often indulging in alcohol and tobacco. This site also functions as a traditional shrine, and a hosting ground for various cultural ceremonies held by different clans. It is believed that the cave serves as the final resting place for ancestral spirits. It is also believed to be a healing place and the cave has two openings with the small one as an exit and the big one as an entrance into the caves.
Inside the Kiwumulo cave rests a collection of traditional items like spears, calabashes, and bark cloth. The cave’s stewards keep the fire inside alive both during the day and night.