The Cost of travelling to Kalangala from Entebbe depends on the mode of transport you choose: There are three (03) ways of getting to Kalangala; you may opt to Fly in a helicopter (A very pricey way of getting there), go by boat/ferry ship or travel by road via Masaka – Bukakata to get to Kalangala (long and tedious way of getting there). We will now explain in detail how each transport mode works.
Flying to Kalangala from Entebbe by helicopter:
While the flights from Entebbe over Lake Victoria might be arguably the most scenic flights of a Lifetime, they are also very costly.
A helicopter flight from Entebbe/Kajjansi might cost about $3,500 one-way and about double ($7,000) for a return flight. Email us for current rates and additional information if you want to take a helicopter Flight to Kalangala.
Getting to Kalangala from Entebbe by Boat:
This is the most popular mode of transport for revellers and businessmen who travel the route to Kalangala from Entebbe. There are two Vessels; MV Kalangala (government-operated), and MV Vanessa (privately owned) that operate scheduled trips from Entebbe to Kalangala.
The Government MV Kalangala operates daily trips from Nakiwogo (Port Alice) in Entebbe to Kalangala at a fee of UGX14,000 per person seated in the VIP section, or UGX10,000 per person sitting in the ordinary section. Persons who want to bring their vehicle(s) with them on their trip to Kalangala should plan to pay UGX 50,000 for a Saloon Car, UGX80,000 for a 4×4 Vehicle, or UGX150,000+ for a truck. All fees mentioned above are non-commissionable and are paid directly to the management of MV Kalangala.
Note: If you intend to go along with your personal vehicle(s), you need to pre-book your slot(s) at least a week in advance. Realm Africa Safaris™ can do this for a service fee of UGX20,000 per Vehicle.
If you care about time, comfort, and value for money, then MV Vanessa a privately owned vessel might be your best choice for getting from Entebbe to Kalangala. MV Vanessa operated by Nyanza Evergreen Waterways runs scheduled trips from/to Kalangala and Entebbe on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and returns to Entebbe on Sunday afternoon (Details in the table below).
Date/Day | Route | Departure | Price (Uganda Shillings - UGX) | |
Adults (10 years Above) | Kids (4 - 9 years) | |||
Monday | Entebbe - Kalangala | 01:00pm | 35,000 - Oneway | 35,000 - Oneway |
70,000 - Return | 70,000 - Return | |||
Tuesday & Thursday | Kalangala - Entebbe | 09:00am | 35,000 - Oneway | 35,000 - Oneway |
Entebbe - Kalangala | 01:00pm | 70,000 - Return | 70,000 - Return | |
Friday | Kalangala - Entebbe | 09:00am | 55,000 - Oneway | 45,000 - Oneway |
Entebbe - Kalangala | 01:00pm | 100,000 - Return | 85,000 - Return |
Sunday | Kalangala - Entebbe | 02:00pm | 55,000 - Oneway | 45,000 - Oneway |
100,000 - Return | 85,000 - Return | |||
*Rates are per person. *Kids are persons between the age of 4 - 9 years. *The rates mentioned above are valid for FY 2023 and are subject to change without prior notice. *Booking is essential | ||||
Hire a private Speed Boat.
If you are interested in absolute private travel, you may consider hiring your private speed boat to get you from Entebbe to Kalangala. The cost of hiring a private speed boat from Entebbe to Kalangala ranges from $1000 – $2000). The speed boats available sit from 04 – 15 persons.