Wildebeest Migration : April to June

Wildebeest Migration : April to June …


April marks the start of the wildebeest migration. In April, the waterholes start to dry up and the southern Serengeti plains have been mowed to stubble by more than a million wildbeest, zebra and gazelle grazing there. As a result, small herds gradually merge into vast columns of wildebeest on the march – it’s a spectacular sight: the mega herd covers the vast plain to the horizon.


Adult wildebeest come into season simultanously – this ensures they give birth in a mass calving in February, which offers their newborns the safety of numbers. The result is spectacular: breeding males bellow and grunt to advertise their presence, chase off rivals and try to round up females to keep them from wandering off. Calves and their mothers call to each other constantly so they don’t get separated in the chaos raising a magnificent cacophony unlike anything else in Africa.


By June, the rut is in full swing and the last column of the mega herd arrives from the southern plains. Combined with the rut, the movement of the massed herds and the constant attacks on all sides by predators, makes this a spectacular time to witness the migration.

We’ll tailor make your safari, but since the migration is one of East Africa’s best bucket list attractions, it’s essential to plan your safari well in advance – talk to us today.



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