Top Things to do and see in Budongo Forest – Chimpanzee Trekking – Bird Watching – Nature Walks – Butterflies Watching – Botany .

Murchison Falls National Park has a lot to offer, it is the largest wildlife reserve and park in Uganda and there is a lot more to see and do than most visitors to Murchison Falls Park realize.

Budongo Forest is a majestic  Mahogany and Ironwood Forest, one of the best Birding areas in Uganda – a forest where you can track chimpanzees at an affordable price, take guided nature walks through the forest and grasslands, yet most hurry by on the way to the main area of Murchison Falls National Park and its wildlife, the River Nile, the falls and Lake Albert and miss the many Things to do and see in Budongo Forest.

Budongo Forest and the Kaniyo Pabidi are easily accessed from Kampala (along the road to  Murchison Falls Park) and can take about 3 1/2 hours from or to Kampala depending on road conditions. One can spend a day here with the various activities one can partake in.  Kaniyo Pabidi is where Chimpanzee Trekking, Nature Walks and Birding are done.

The Budongo Eco-Lodge provides nice meals and comfortable cottages for those wanting to stay overnight and continue to Murchison Falls Park or to Kampala the following day.


Chimpanzee Habituation Experience:

catChimpanzee Habituation Experience which is an all-day activity can be done here during off-season months Low season – 1st March – 15th June and 1st October – 15th December.

This activity is done with researchers and others – a process which takes up to two years.

The Chimpanzee Habituation Experience cost is considerably lower here than in it is in Kibale Forest – however there the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience – CHEX can be done all year long.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Budongo ForestBudongo Forest is an excellent spot to track chimpanzees while visiting Murchison Falls Park.  There is morning and afternoon chimpanzee tracking and for those visiting Murchison Falls National Park this can be done on the way to or from Murchison Falls National Park.

The ideal is to stay overnight and also do a forest walk while at Budongo Forest.

Guided Nature Walks Kaniyo Pabidi

chimp7Guided nature walks can be taken here through woodland and savanna terrain.

Often one see wildlife licking salt in in the forest clearings.  Large mammals also wander into this part of park such as Elephants, Lions, Buffaloes and Leopards.

A guided nature walk does not endanger you in any way, no one has ever been hurt here.

Guided Birding Watching  –  Kaniyo Pabidi

Ross TuracoBudongo Forest is one of the top areas in Uganda for those interested in birding.  Birders will find Budongo literally a paradise with its 360 plus species of birds.  Bird watching walks are full or half day in length led by knowledgeable guides.

Certainly one must take the time to go and see the famous for birding “Royal Mile” which is a short distance in the  Busingiro area of Budongo

Spot some of the following species to name a few – remember that there are 360 plus species of birds found here  – Sabine’s spine tail, Cassins spine tail(rare), Pygmy crakes, Kingfishers( Chocolate backed, blue breasted, dwarf), White spotted fluff Tail, Ituri Batis, Pulvus Illadopsis, Brown twin Spot, Cameroon Somber, Cassins hawk Eagle, Crowned Eagle, Yellow crested Woodpecker, Forest Robin, Little green Sunbird, Grey headed Sunbird.

  Other Places to Explore from here in the Areas around and near Budongo Forest

  • Murchison Falls National Park Uganda’s Best all around Park  Murchison Falls itself is a short distance from Budongo Forest and is one of the best all-around wildlife parks in Uganda
  • A visit to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary  Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is just a short distance from Budongo Forest and on the way to Murchison Falls Park or back to Kampala and can easily be incorporated into a Safari Itinerary.
  • Boomu Women’s Group – Experience an African Village  Just a short Distance from Budongo Forest is Boomu Women’s Group where you can spend a day or two in an African Village.

If you like to include Budongo Forest in your Safari with us – please contact us.

Chimpanzee Tracking
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Chimpanzee Tracking In Budongo Forest can be done both/ either Morning & afternoon.

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Top Things to do and see in Budongo Forest
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In the company of researchers and guides, you can spend more time with a group of wild chimpanzees.

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Birding In Budongo
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Budongo Forest boasts of a looming 360 bird species that inhabit the forest canopy.

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