Loisaba Conservancy – Northern Laikipia


A Kenya Holiday visiting Loisaba Conservancy is a dream come true for travelers seeking unspoiled wilderness destinations in Africa.

Visiting Loisaba Conservancy gives you a much-desired chance to see the authentic African bush without boundaries, so the fauna roams freely without the threat of poachers. You will not see a fence, caged animals or other signs of human encroachment and presence. In fact, guest numbers are limited, with the intent not to see another safari vehicle during your game drives. Loisaba Conservancy is operated through a partnership between the private owners, Maasai, and the Samburu peoples. The part community-private owned conservancy covers 56,000 acres, offering guests access to some of Kenya’s untouched wilderness that is home to diverse species. Part profits from conservancy fees and rooming costs are used to maintain and advance conservation activities, as well as to support educational, enterprise and health programs for the Laikipia Samburu and Maasai tribes. Because the land is privately and community managed, Realm Africa Safaris™ guests have the rare opportunity to explore the Laikipia in ways that are not allowed at in national parks in Kenya.

Imagine camel or horse riding in the wild, walking to appreciate the sense of touch, smell, sight and sound on a one to one basis, sleeping under the glittering African night sky on a star bed, rafting down the Ewaso and Ng’are Narok Rivers and observing natural behaviors of some of Kenya’s magnificent creatures while escorted by a local expert guide in a 4×4 safari vehicle.

Loisaba Conservancy follows a mission of demonstrating effective wildlife management and human need. Part of the land is set aside for cattle ranching, and the conservancy also hosts important wildlife research projects e.g. Grevy’s Zebra Research in partnership the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University’s and also the Denver Zoological Foundation.

Best time to visit Loisaba conservancy - Laikipia
[icon_box style=”style2″]BEST TIME TO VISIT – LOISABA 

Loisaba Conservancy experiences two dry seasons and two rainy seasons that greatly affect the ease with which you may view wildlife. The cool, dry season of July to October is the best time to visit Loisaba.

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[icon_box style=”style2″]WHERE TO STAY – LOISABA 

Most Lodges & Camps in Loisaba Conservacy range from deluxe to exclusive. For travelers seeking a Premier expereince, Loisaba Starbeds is our recommended Property. For those seeking deluxe experiences, Lewa Safari Camp and Sosian.

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Loisaba - conservancy - Horseback Safaris
[icon_box style=”style2″]TRIPS & HOLIDAYS – LOISABA 

Add Loisaba conservancy to your Kenya Itinerary and, get an opportunity to encounter an abundance of African wildlife while partaking of activities that are restricted in national parks in Kenya.

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