Choosing your Gorilla Tracking Agent

How to find the Best Gorilla Safari Company in Uganda: Practical tips to choosing the right Gorilla Tracking Agent in Uganda.

Searching, Finding, and choosing the right gorilla safari company or agency to work with during the planning and booking of your gorilla safari to Uganda can difficult however, we guarantee you will be able to do this with ease if you read this article to the end (5 minutes read).

There are thousands of off-Line and online Gorilla Safari companies in Uganda but very few of them are legit in practice. This means one could easily fall victim to fraud if one doesn’t do their research well.

What to consider when choosing your Gorilla Tracking Agent

  • Gorilla Safaris are generally a lot more costly than the traditional wildlife Savannah safaris.
  • Gorilla Tracking permits cost US$700 in Uganda. | See: why gorilla permits are so expensive.
  • Most Gorilla tracking Agents in Uganda always quote tour prices that exclude Gorilla Permits fees – these are usually enticing 🙂 Always consider a tour operator that includes the cost of the gorilla permit – after all Gorilla tracking is the reason you are booking the tour – double check to confirm the price quote also covers; accommodation, meals, transport (car, fuel & driver-guide services).  An all-inclusive tour helps eliminate hidden costs and gives you peace of mind allowing you time to enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime Gorilla encounter.
  • Another guideline when choosing your gorilla tracking Agent is to ensure they are authentic and credible. Visit the Association of Uganda Tour Operators – AUTO website to confirm that the Company is a FULLY registered member of this Association. Don’t stop at seeing them listed, write an inquiry email to AUTO just to be sure they are members.

Combined East African Safaris with Gorilla trekking Included!



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