Chimpanzee Filming at the Ngogo

Chimpanzee Filming at Ngogo

Ngogo Research centre might perhaps be the best place to film chimpanzees in Uganda. Crew interested in filming the wild chimpanzees of Ngogo can contact us for assistance with securing all relevant permits & Permissions as we are about to explain further in our article. Chimpanzee Filming at the Ngogo

The Ngogo Research centre for chimpanzees was established in 1972 mainly focuses on explaining the ecological reasons for the unusual chimpanzee demographics and its influence on chimpanzee behaviour. Past and ongoing topics of study include intra and inter-sexual social relationships and cooperation, kinship and social relationships, mating behaviour and reproductive success, hunting and meat sharing, territorial behaviour, and feeding ecology. In addition to following the chimpanzees and recording their behaviour, researchers at Ngogo also non-invasively collect urine, faeces, and other biological materials for endocrinological and genetic analyses, as well as to conduct phenological and botanical studies of the forest ecology.

Longterm chimpanzee research was initiated by scholars David Watts from Yale University in 1993 and John Mitani from the University of Michigan in 1995. Kevin Langergraber from the Arizona State University joined the Ngogo Chimpanzee Project as a graduate student in 2001 and as a co-director in 2011.

Requirements for Chimpanzee Filming at the Ngogo

Film & media crew interested in filming chimpanzees at Ngogo Research centre ought to pre-apply for filming slots in advance. While other film fixers might recommend applying for a press Accreditation first, we at Realm Africa film fixers™ advise that you instead apply for a location filming permit to Film the chimpanzees of Ngogo from the Uganda wildlife Authority (UWA), then you can move on to processing the media cards.

It’s commonsense; First secure an invite before you purchase the air ticket…..

Applying and securing (no guarantees!) Filming permits from UWA usually takes us 4- 6 working days while securing your Media cards takes us even shorter ( 2 – 3 working days) time.

The Permit to Film at the Ngogo Chimpanzee Research Centre

Getting Permission from UWA to Film the chimpanzees at Ngogo Research centre can be a complex process that will require ample time for you to get us all the relevant paperwork. Once we have all your paperwork sorted, it only takes 4 – 7 working days for Realm Africa Film Fixers™ to secure your Chimpanzee Filming permit(s) from UWA.

The process of applying for a filming permit from UWA involves downloading and filling out the mandatory UWA Filming Permit Application form (click the link to download).

Press Accreditation or Media card Processing in Uganda

Press Accreditation In Uganda is issued by the Uganda Media council after each individual or crew member fills out FORM G. This form must be accompanied by copies of scanned passport (bios Page) and a recent passport-sized photo to be used in processing your Media card (Press accreditation).

It does take us approximately 02 – 03 working days from the time we receive all the above-mentioned documents to process your media card.

To accompany all the individually filled out FORM G’S for each crew member, the team leader has got to send us a detailed write-up or synopsis of the film you intend to shoot in Uganda.

After all the above is sent to us, will then proceed to submit these to the Uganda Media Council for approval. Upon approval, we will then contact and inform you of this achievement.

After securing your Media cards, we will then need to advise and also further assist you in securing all the other necessary permits and permissions all guided by your film Scriptwriter or the Synopsis

Press Accreditation fees in Uganda (Payable to Uganda Media Council)

  1. a fee of US$175 per person is paid for a period not exceeding 30 days of the journalist’s stay.
  2. a fee of US$225 per person is paid for a period beyond 30 days up to six months of stay.
  3. a fee of US$325 per person is paid for a period of two years.

** The fees mentioned above are set and can be amended by the Uganda Media Council without any prior consultation. we, therefore, remind you to treat these as a guide.

Best time for Chimpanzee Filming at the Ngogo Research Center

Generally, Filming at Ngogo can be done all-year-round, the best time for Chimpanzee Filming at the Ngogo Research Center is in the drier season months of June to August till mid-September or December to February.

Where to stay while Filming Chimpanzees at Ngogo Research Center

There is a varied list of both upmarket and Midrange properties close-by where Film crew & cast can stay during the shoot at the Ngogo Research. Staying in Fort portal town is also possible but the transfers back and forth might bite into your filming time.

Top tip: Depending on what you are here to film, we recommend staying onsite for more opportunities to capture the amazing scenes that could happen at the awkward hour. We can set up a comfortable tented camp exclusively for your crew.

Getting to the Ngogo Research Center

There are two (02) ways one can get to the Ngogo Chimpanzee Research centre. You can either fly or travel by road. However, if our opinion matters, we would recommend driving as opposed to Flying.

Wondering why? Flying costs more money and yet you still have to drive from Kasese (where the plane leaves you) to Ngogo Chimpanzee project which still requires about two (02) hours driving.

Can’t I charter? Yes, you can charter a helicopter flight to fort portal which costs quite a bit of money. unfortunately, you still need to drive at least 30 minutes to get to Ngogo.

Why Driving is the best way of getting there: Driving from Entebbe ( you can start anywhere else) requires about ±5 hours to cover a journey of 331 km/ 205 mi. The drive to Ngogo research centre is very scenic and leads through the remotest places you probably have ever seen. Photography is possible!

Secondly, when you are at Ngogo chimpanzee research centre, you may need transport in & around to get to fort portal or other locations of interest.

Finally, the choice of how to get to the Ngogo research centre is entirely up to you. Make the choice, and we will book it.



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